The latest and most advanced heating technology device

Exclusive EasyView™ screen so you can stay in control of your session with ease, and fast charging with an advanced HeatBoost™ technology for a way better* experience.

WHY glo™ is a better alternative to smoking*
Just heats tobacco
Less Smell*
No Ash*
No Smoke*
 GLO Jordan
WHY glo™ is a better alternative to smoking*
GLO Jordan
Burns tobacco
Overwhelming Smell
Traditional Smoke


glo way better* with the latest Hyper device yet featuring the most advanced heating technology that ensures a consistent and unmatched experience from beginning to end.

About Glo
About Glo

Easy Personalized Experience

glo™ Hyper Pro offers longer session with standard mode (4.5 mins) or a richer experience in shorter time with boost mode (3 mins).

Zero Burn,zero ash*

By heating, rather than burning, the levels of harmful emissions reduces significantly. This makes glo™ a better way to getting the satisfaction you crave.

About Glo

How to Use

NEW glo™Hyper Pro

  • Rotate the TasteSelect™ dial to Standard or boost mode, and gently insert the neo™ stick.
  • Press the button for 2 seconds until you get a vibration. The screen will show you the heating progress.
  • Wait for the second vibration, then your device is ready for the first puff.
  • Your device will vibrate when the session ends Please dispose of neo™ stick responsibly after session ends.

how to clean

  • Step 1: Make sure your device is cool.
  • Step 2: Open the shutter by turning the dial to standard or boost mode.
  • Step 3: Gently clean the chamber, by moving back and forth with the brush provided.
  • Step 4: Open the cleaning door and give it a few strokes with the brush.
  • Step 5: Rinse your brush under running water.
  • Step 6: After every 5 sessions, use a tissue to wipe away any moisture. For the best experience, clean the device after every 20 sessions.

How to Charge

  • Step 1: When the device is on, press the control button. The EasyView™ screen will let you know when you need to charge the device.
  • Step 2: Plug in the USB cable into the charging port at the bottom of the device.
  • Step 3: Depending on the charging conditions, full charging take up to approximately 90 minutes.

ABOUT glo™

glo™ المزيد عن

glo™ offers you a different and modern alternative to smoking, without burning it*.

glo™ devices combine elegant design with heat-not-burn technology that heats tobacco to the optimal temperature.

By heating tobacco quickly and using optimal temperature control, glo™ creates the ultimate device performance.

Under no circumstances should you light the neoᵀᴹ tobacco stick for use. Use it only with the gloᵀᴹ device.

يعيد glo ™ اختراع تجربة التبغ ويقدم لك بديلاً مختلفًا وحديثًا ، بدون حرق.

تجمع أجهزة glo ™ بين التصميم الأنيق وتكنولوجيا التسخّين وليس الإحتراق التي تسخّن التبغ إلى الدرجة الحرارية المثلى.

من خلال تسخّين التبغ بسرعة واستخدام التحكم الأمثل في درجة الحرارة، يخلق glo ™ تجربة مثالية.

لا ينبغي بتاتاً إشعال عود التبغ  neoᵀᴹ لاستخدامه.

استخدمه فقط مع جهاز gloᵀᴹ

Why glo™


Exclusive EasyView™ screen
keeping you in control of your session.


for a way better* experience.




بيان اخلاء المسؤوليه

*gloᵀᴹ heats tobacco instead of burning it. It generates a tobacco aerosol, less odour and no ash compared to a cigarette when smoked. This product is not risk-free and contains nicotine, an addictive substance.

**Heats tobacco without burning. This product is not risk-free and contains nicotine, an addictive substance.

أفضل بكثير*

لا دخان ، لا رماد ، رائحة أقل * يقوم gloᵀᴹ بتسخين التبغ بدلا من حرقه. إنه يولد رذاذا للتبغ ، ورائحة أقل ولا رماد مقارنة بالسيجارة عند تدخينها. هذا المنتج ليس خاليا من المخاطر ويحتوي على النيكوتين وهي مادة تسبب الإدمان.

صفر احتراق، صفر رماد* يسخن التبغ دون حرق. هذا المنتج ليس خاليا من المخاطر ويحتوي على النيكوتين ، وهو مادة تسبب الإدمان.